Well, it's not really anything I did, but I did find out I could access my blog account from my work computer. So much for company software blocking personal sites, woo hoo! (Said as the IT spies are probably watching me type this going, hahaha, we will shut him down)
I figured, as usual, it was time to say something. Not that I really think much before I post anything, but hey that's part of the fun and I have to kill 25 minutes before I get out of here for the holiday.
Oh, did I mention that I have holidays off now with pay! Woo hoo! No more being forced to use flex that you get in minimal amounts. Yes, that is a shout out to all my peeps still stuck at the MGM. Suckers!
I am just so excited about a lot of stuff recently. Lisa and I had a rockin trip to Mesquite. Not that we did much outside of the room, but it was nice to hang out and relax. Besides, there really isn't a whole lot to do in Mesquite. I am so very excited for the new business division we have just launched this week, loan modification. I get to spend my business hours helping people to stay in their homes. If you guys know anybody that needs help, I pay a nice referral fee. :-)
I am also just excited in general for the holiday season. I love the season, but sometimes it is depressing without several trips to Disneyland during the holidays to celebrate. Oh well, there is always next year! Oh, and Dad is taking us to Disneyworld in May. Woo Hoo! All those years of flying American Airlines is paying off big.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled Wednesday boredom.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Posted by Mike at 4:03 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
As Always, About freakin Time
So, I guess it is about time to throw another post up on here. So much for trying to get one up every week, eh? Well, this is what's been happening, in a nutshell
The new job is working out very well. The people are awesome, and the money is much much better. Plus there is not this pervasive feeling of foreboding like there was working at the MGM. I don't think it was the MGM so much as it was certain people that worked in the hallway where I was. Bad vibes from the way they treated their people and ran their department. Plus there were a couple people there always trying to find a way to try to get me in trouble. Guess they can't stand the site of somebody succeeding, especially when they have no power to pull that person down.
Anyways, the job is good. Lisa and the boys are doing good. Bryan started truly crawling this week. Now we have two little ones that are mobile. Should make life very interesting.
Lisa and I are going away to Mesquite on the 24th for our quarterly weekend away. We can't wait! A whole weekend to ourselves. Any time we can get to ourselves is definitely a valuable commodity. Not that I don't like being with the boys. It is fun, but as a couple you have to have time that is just yours together. I think that is true with any relationship, whether you have kids or not. We are also taking the boys down to LA for Halloween. Yay! One of the perks of my job is that we get Nevada Day (aka Halloween) off as a paid holiday. Did I mention how much I love the new job? We are going to have a nice three day weekend down at my mom and dad's. So anybody down there that wants to say hi, feel free to stop by their house on Saturday to hang out in the afternoon.
I think that does it for now. Back ot my yummy chicken nuggets and a rare few minutes of game time.
Posted by Mike at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
New Job
I know I know, I said something about posting once a week or something like that. Be thankful that Lisa keeps reminding me to post more regularly and specifically about my new awesome job. Between the new job, family time, and business, I haven't figured out how to squeeze in regular blog time. Maybe I will just stop sleeping. That will give me lots more time.
I started a new job 2 weeks ago working for the Southern Nevada Health District, or as I like to call it, The Man. Some of my carpool buddies call it, Payton Place. Some of my Libertarian friends like to say that I am now contributing to the problem. They are just jealous that I don't have to pay into social security anymore. Like it's going to be there when I retire anyway. My friends that like to travel to Vegas will probably be sad that I don't get random free show tix and hotel discounts anymore.
So, on to the new job. I am the Administrative Secretary for one of the Community Health Nurse Managers. So, yes, I am a male secretary in the Nursing Department. At least my name is not Gaylord Focker. I love my new job. The hours are better, the pay is better, and the people are just way cool. None of that high school crap I had to deal with at the MGM.
Posted by Mike at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Something Fun
1. Add a comment on my blog about one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot just do anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play, suit yourself.
Posted by Mike at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Running from Problems vs. Being Blessed
So I had some intersting thoughts on my drive home from work yesterday. Don't ask me how I happened onto this thought process, but it just jumped out. I was thinking about how as humans we try to run from our problems. Or, another way to look at it is we focus on our problems and what we would like to change so much, we think of the best way to run from them. One area that I hear that a lot in is when people are evaluating where they live. I hear both sides of this too. One is, we don't have enough space. We are on top of each other and we just need to give the kids a little room. The other side is, we have too much room, I never see the kids anymore. I think in either situation you need to focus on what you have been blessed with. If you think everyone is on top of each other, just remember that you are blessed to have a roof over your head, and at some point as the kids grow up, they will start to do their own things and you will see less of them. If on the other side, you don't see them too much, the house is too big. Remember, as your kids grow up they start to do their own thing. So, I think the focus to fix it ends up being the same thing, right? At some point our kids start to break off and do things on their own.
This comes up for people on the financial side too. I see people with little money feel like they are the richest people in the world. I see people with a good income and lifestyle feeling like they have no money. I think if you have your basic needs met that is all you need. Also, if you feel like you have no money, the best way to solve that is track every dime you spend. If you know where your money is going, you'll at least feel a bit more in control.
I know from experience that you cannot relocate to another area to correct your problems. Even if it fixes one issue, there are others that crop up. Just remember that the secret to wealth is gratitude. Think of the things the Lord has blessed you with and everything will be alright.
Posted by Mike at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
A Year Half Gone
I can't believe that we are into July now. Half of the year is gone. Well, in some aspects of my life I am right where I want to be. In others, I am just a bit behind my schedule I set for myself. However, things are catching up quick so watch out.
We went up to Lisa's family reunion on Cedar Mountain this last weekend. Her family has a ranch up there and it was just awesome. We had a blast. I also got to meet some more of her cousins. It was great to let Josh get around and get super dirty. I don't know how his close survived. Although it was nice to get home on Sunday, the weather was much nicer up there. When we pulled into town on Sunday at 7pm, it was 110 degrees. It wouldn't be bad if it actually cooled off at night. (thanks for the insight there honey :-p)
I am thinking of starting up a blog detailing the stuff I am doing business wise and to document the building of my business. I just don't know what to call it. I am open to suggestions. Things have been picking up fast and moving forward. It is exciting and a bit scary at the same time. It's nice that success is starting to come through the door and at the same time you think, wow, how is this going to change my life. I am all for change, especially when it is good, but it can still be scary.
Posted by Mike at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Summer Begins
Happy first day of summer everybody!
Things have been great out here. Even with the triple digit heat. I am going to try to update this on a somewhat more regular basis. I am going to schedule at least weekly time. It's nice to let everyone know what I am doing and it's a good little record for myself too.
I am also done studying for my life insurance exam. I am working with Amy and John in launching a new company. It is taking financial services and applying it to what we are already doing to give a full picture. I am really excited about this and so is Lisa. It is a crusade that I can really get behind one hundred percent and go full speed. Plus, I get to be in the peace of mind business. I really like being able to help give families peace of mind by helping them to get their financial house in order and provide them a little education along the way. Anyways, the site below is where things are starting out.
I have been able to go back this week and help some friends and a couple former clients start getting the financial house in order. What I really like is we are building that long term relationship. I look forward to doing the follow ups every 6 months. It allows me to see the progress of friends, family, and clients that I have been able to help get on the path to financial independance. As you can tell, I am way excited about all of this.
This weekend is Father's Day, so I would like to say Happy Father's Day to all the other dads out there. I hope you are having an awesome weekend like I am.
Next weekend Lisa and I will be celebrating our third wedding anniversary. Time is just flying by. I can't believe it is three years already. It has just been absolutely wonderful. I never thought the love you have for somebody could continue to grow so much and so fast. We are sending the boys up to Lisa's parents for the weekend and we are just going to spend the weekend here alone by ourselves. It is going to be soooo awesome.
The other big thing that I am really looking forward to is the trip we are planning to Disneyland in September. I am so uber excited. I can't wait to take the boys.
Posted by Mike at 2:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
A Template
Thanks to the site Lisa uses, I found a template for my Blog. I think I will change them from time to time. It is a pain however, because when I put in the new one I have to redo all my links. However, I think maybe I will change it once a month.
Oh yeah, don't mock me. The Smurfs freakin' rock!
Posted by Mike at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Random Musings
So I am sitting here in my living room listening to AC/DC. Not that it is really relevent to the post, but I thought you all would like to know.
Lisa and the boys have gone up to Moccassin to stay with her folks for a couple days and get away from the increasing heat. Normally I would be at work on a Monday and then doing business in the evening, but today I really needed a mental health day. So, now that the house is empty I have been able to catch up on a couple of my projects. The one I am most glad that I have finished so far is getting the wireless network finally working properly. I was having trouble getting it set up here for the longest time. Then I finally got smart and went to the Linksys website and downloaded their latest config and setup tool. It took care of everything for me and even set it up as a secure network. I really like that. So, now I can blog, do business, or whatever on the laptop from anywhere in the house, front yard, whatever. I even finally got the house setup as a network. So, I can magically print from the other side of the house too. I told Lisa when she called, she is totally psyched.
In other projects, I am getting the office here in the house cleaned up. Now it feels a bit more conducive to being able to conduct some business out of it on the weekends. The one thing that would be nice is a new desk. My current computer desk isn't as sweet as my last one was. The previous one actually had a stand on top for the monitor which gave me space on the desk to use it as a desk. That would be really nice. I also organized some of my certificates and licenses on the wall. Only thing left is to vacuum. I believe my other project this evening will be to get the weeds along the patio and the sidewalk outside. Then I will spray that stuff that is supposed to keep them from growing back up again. After living here I now know where the phrase growing like weeds comes from. It comes from Overton, NV.
Business wise, things are super duper awesome. I have a couple deals closing this week, Yay for cashflow, and I have some more appointments to help a few more people. We have a new financial analysis and profile we can use for our clients. It really spots out the holes in their financial plan and shows how they can improve it with existing resources. I love it.
In other plans for the day, I will probably play some video games and figure out how to make this blog a bit more stylish and how to upload pics on it.
Now that you are to the end of the post, I thought I would let you know that I am now listening to Big Joe Turner.
Posted by Mike at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
Ahhhh, Spring
Well, in honor of the first day of spring and earth day and all that coming up, I wanted to start out this evenings post by saying, "Screw Ethanol". That's right, no foreseeable benefits for several years, will cause more pollution then gas, but the thing that really upsets me right now is that it is driving up the cost of food. When you have a family you are supporting, even if you are making good money, food costs add up.
Now that i've gotten that out of my way. I wanted to send you guys to my new favorite cat video link. You know, they are just hilariously stupid.
I hope you all enjoy.
In the latest business news, I have just about finished studying for my Series 65. I am that much closer to lifetime residual income. Which we all know, is the best kind. As I mentioned in my previous post, things have been crazy crazy. I am finally learning how to leverage my time a bit more which is nice. Oh, I do have an interview with the county tomorrow. Trying to get a job in the assessors office and get county benefits. Cause they are the best. Besides, I am just tired of walking through the smoke filled casino 5 days a week to get to and from work.
Everything else is just hunky. The boys in my young mens class are as rowdy as all young mens classes are. They are starting to pay a bit more attention now, so that makes lessons easier. For mutual on Wednesday we are having a texting competition. I am preparing to get my butt throroughly kicked.
Posted by Mike at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 03, 2008
The Craziness Never Ends
So I thought I would be able to get back on here and keeps things updated a bit more. Maybe at least like once a week, or maybe throw in the occasional rant or whatever. Business has picked up so much that I hardly have time to check my personal email. let alone blog.
Things are going pretty good. I came just shy of getting my promotion to Regional Marketing Director. I did however, surprisingly enough, manage to get enough points to be promoted to Marketing Director. Hey, a 5% raise is better than a swift kick in the butt. Hubert is running a new contest now and I will at least hit Regional Marketing Director in this next quarter. However, I did discover that leading each of the good solid people on my team right now to Regional Marketing Director themselves, will get me to Area Marketing Director. That is where I wanted to be by the middle of the year in my original plan anyways. I am totally psyched.
The boys are still the boys. To take a line from Lisa, Bryan still pretty much just sits there, and Josh is entertaining to say the least. We actually started a "family" blog as well. I think she may be the one that posts on that the most.
Well, my first appointment of the evening is going to be here in about 5 minutes. I better get offline and get the last couple things set. Having 3 back to back appointments tonight is awesome. I can feel that million dollar goal this year screaming towards me.
Posted by Mike at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
I'm Alive
That's right baby. I am still alive! Ha ha ha ha!
Yes, I forgot about this thing for like 3 years. However, when Lisa said she wanted to start up a blog here on blogspot, I was like, Oh yeah, I have one of those.
Still working for the big behemoth company and started my own business.
I will try to get a small but somewhat substantial update here in the next week. I am so busy I don't know how often I can blog, but we will see.
Posted by Mike at 10:36 PM 0 comments