Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Post of The Year

So, this goes to show how one of those resolutions is going. That resolution was to post in my blog once a week. I hope to do better.

So, as Lisa mentioned on her blog we had a nice trip to Disneyland. Although she did kick my trash on Toy Story Midway Mania. When we ride it at Disneyworld, we're almost at the 100 day mark woo hoo!, she is so going down. Same thing on Buzz Lightyear! Love ya honey!! It was really nice to have a weekend alone with Lisa. I really want to hit a goal of doing that once every quarter. Even if we just have someone take the boys and we stay at home. Our little trip away just reminded me how much I love her. It also brought funny Lisa back out for a while. Funny Lisa needs to make more regular appearances.

Work is going okey dokey. The contract was finally settled upon and now I know what my raises are going to be, so I can better budget. Actually we are going to start doing something old school that I think will really work. We are going to budget by pay period and use envelopes with cash. That will help solidify a bit more personal control.

I am excited about business this year. I had been kind of blah about just about everything in life up until the beginning of the year. Allowed myself to get a bit too down on myself. But now, I am totally pumped. I love the ad click bar thingy we have going. To get a free tool to help you make some extra cash, just click on the turnkeyleadership site link to the side. I am so excited about it I rerouted a business website to it. I love the email that comes with it too. It is super duper user friendly. I like it more than my gmail.

Oh, for all those interested, the calling I received and accepted was for Elders Quorum Secretary. I am totally pumped about it and we have a good Presidency that is willing to go out and work. I feel some great things are going to be happening in our little ward. Speaking of great things, I was in the temple doing initiatories the other night. I feel the Lord is going to be unfolding some good size changes in my life in the near future. It's a feeling like great blessings are in store. That is a nice thing, but the unknown is kind of scary. I do feel confident it will be a good change and movement though. I also felt an urgency to get the Lord's work done. The amount of time to do it is getting a lot less very quickly.

I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas, a fun New Year, and here is to a prosperous New Year for everyone!