Monday, April 21, 2008

Ahhhh, Spring

Well, in honor of the first day of spring and earth day and all that coming up, I wanted to start out this evenings post by saying, "Screw Ethanol". That's right, no foreseeable benefits for several years, will cause more pollution then gas, but the thing that really upsets me right now is that it is driving up the cost of food. When you have a family you are supporting, even if you are making good money, food costs add up.

Now that i've gotten that out of my way. I wanted to send you guys to my new favorite cat video link. You know, they are just hilariously stupid.

I hope you all enjoy.

In the latest business news, I have just about finished studying for my Series 65. I am that much closer to lifetime residual income. Which we all know, is the best kind. As I mentioned in my previous post, things have been crazy crazy. I am finally learning how to leverage my time a bit more which is nice. Oh, I do have an interview with the county tomorrow. Trying to get a job in the assessors office and get county benefits. Cause they are the best. Besides, I am just tired of walking through the smoke filled casino 5 days a week to get to and from work.

Everything else is just hunky. The boys in my young mens class are as rowdy as all young mens classes are. They are starting to pay a bit more attention now, so that makes lessons easier. For mutual on Wednesday we are having a texting competition. I am preparing to get my butt throroughly kicked.