Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A Year Half Gone

I can't believe that we are into July now. Half of the year is gone. Well, in some aspects of my life I am right where I want to be. In others, I am just a bit behind my schedule I set for myself. However, things are catching up quick so watch out.

We went up to Lisa's family reunion on Cedar Mountain this last weekend. Her family has a ranch up there and it was just awesome. We had a blast. I also got to meet some more of her cousins. It was great to let Josh get around and get super dirty. I don't know how his close survived. Although it was nice to get home on Sunday, the weather was much nicer up there. When we pulled into town on Sunday at 7pm, it was 110 degrees. It wouldn't be bad if it actually cooled off at night. (thanks for the insight there honey :-p)

I am thinking of starting up a blog detailing the stuff I am doing business wise and to document the building of my business. I just don't know what to call it. I am open to suggestions. Things have been picking up fast and moving forward. It is exciting and a bit scary at the same time. It's nice that success is starting to come through the door and at the same time you think, wow, how is this going to change my life. I am all for change, especially when it is good, but it can still be scary.