Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Craziness Never Ends

So I thought I would be able to get back on here and keeps things updated a bit more. Maybe at least like once a week, or maybe throw in the occasional rant or whatever. Business has picked up so much that I hardly have time to check my personal email. let alone blog.

Things are going pretty good. I came just shy of getting my promotion to Regional Marketing Director. I did however, surprisingly enough, manage to get enough points to be promoted to Marketing Director. Hey, a 5% raise is better than a swift kick in the butt. Hubert is running a new contest now and I will at least hit Regional Marketing Director in this next quarter. However, I did discover that leading each of the good solid people on my team right now to Regional Marketing Director themselves, will get me to Area Marketing Director. That is where I wanted to be by the middle of the year in my original plan anyways. I am totally psyched.

The boys are still the boys. To take a line from Lisa, Bryan still pretty much just sits there, and Josh is entertaining to say the least. We actually started a "family" blog as well. I think she may be the one that posts on that the most.

Well, my first appointment of the evening is going to be here in about 5 minutes. I better get offline and get the last couple things set. Having 3 back to back appointments tonight is awesome. I can feel that million dollar goal this year screaming towards me.