Monday, January 02, 2023

Last Night of Christmas Break

 Today has been the last day of Christmas Break. As a teacher, it is kind of a sad day, but also a bit exciting too. I’m looking forward to seeing my students and working with them again. I think the sad part is the giant time and stress demand coming back. 

It has been nice not thinking about school or anything related to it for a couple weeks. My wife and I are both teachers. We have a rule that during break we do not do any school related work or talk about it. It gives us time to relax, spend time with our boys, and intentionally work on the life we want to build. I have to admit, I did not get as much done on that last area, as I would have liked. 

So, what do teachers do on the last day of Christmas break? First, I slept until 2 pm. Last day of break and I had to take advantage. We cleaned house. We went shopping and had leftovers for dinner. We also tried to get the boys back into their regular nighttime routine. That is still ongoing at this moment.   

Now we are going over the lesson plans we drafted out before the break, making sure everything is posted to Canvas for our students, and trying to get a handle on what we have to prep tomorrow morning. Elementary teachers use a lot of paper along with our digital. The way I explain that to others is, we do have to teach these little ones how to actually write. I also need to go over seating charts that I need to change and about 2 weeks of unopened email. 

I am sure we are not the only overachievers amongst our colleagues for today. I know many of them won’t hit that until tomorrow morning if they can. Those waiting until tomorrow are also the ones that will probably be there into the evening tomorrow. 

For any other teachers out there, what is your last day of break like?