Thursday, February 03, 2005

Just Remembered This

I almost forgot to drop in a line about this. I only caught the first night of it, but the LA Lindy Binge last week was great. For those who have no clue what I am talking about, Lindy Hop is your basic form of swing dancing. Every year most cities will do a Lindy Exchange. So it's like taking in foreign exchange students for the weekend, well it's basically hosting crazy lindy hoppers for the weekend. I didn't host anyone this year but I did make it out for some dancing.

Yeah, the dancing went from 7pm to 2am. Generally somebody moves the party to their place when the venue closes but I was beat. It wasn't as well attended as I was expecting but it was still full of lots and lots of cool people. Lots of great people to dance with and the girl/guy ratio was about equal. It turned into one of those nights that you dance with so many people that you may ask somebody to dance a couple hours later and have a hard time remembering you had previously danced with them. As soon as my schedule mellows out a bit i'm working dancing into my schedule a bit more regularly again. Probably about twice a week.

Until the upcoming exchange down in the OC, keep it real.