Monday, January 10, 2005

Keeping up and Stuff

Well, what can I say. Nothing extraordinarily significant happening the last week.

Went to the temple on Saturday evening. That is always a good experience. It's always nice to sit down in the Lord's house and have a conversation with Him that pretty much confirms that everything I am doing with the various tasks in my life is taking me in the direction I need to go. I am also set to get my home teaching done on Wednesday. That'll be nice to get out and meet and provide a bit of service and support to some new peoples. Always interesting meeting people you don't know.

On Thursday I am teaching a dance class for our Single Adult activity for church. We have invited other kids from the surrounding area to come. My cousin kind of fell down on the reminder invites and we had to scramble last night to make sure they got out. I hope people got them in time. If it's a poorly attended event i'll be disappointed. I always put a lot of effort into everything when I teach a class. Particularly in lining up someone good to teach with me. Lora is going to be teaching with me and we've taught all over the US together. Having someone that is an exceptional dancer to come in and help teach takes a bit of coordination.

Until next week, stay out of trouble, and remember the LA Lindy Binge starts in 17 days. Woo Hoo!!