Saturday, July 26, 2008

Running from Problems vs. Being Blessed

So I had some intersting thoughts on my drive home from work yesterday. Don't ask me how I happened onto this thought process, but it just jumped out. I was thinking about how as humans we try to run from our problems. Or, another way to look at it is we focus on our problems and what we would like to change so much, we think of the best way to run from them. One area that I hear that a lot in is when people are evaluating where they live. I hear both sides of this too. One is, we don't have enough space. We are on top of each other and we just need to give the kids a little room. The other side is, we have too much room, I never see the kids anymore. I think in either situation you need to focus on what you have been blessed with. If you think everyone is on top of each other, just remember that you are blessed to have a roof over your head, and at some point as the kids grow up, they will start to do their own things and you will see less of them. If on the other side, you don't see them too much, the house is too big. Remember, as your kids grow up they start to do their own thing. So, I think the focus to fix it ends up being the same thing, right? At some point our kids start to break off and do things on their own.

This comes up for people on the financial side too. I see people with little money feel like they are the richest people in the world. I see people with a good income and lifestyle feeling like they have no money. I think if you have your basic needs met that is all you need. Also, if you feel like you have no money, the best way to solve that is track every dime you spend. If you know where your money is going, you'll at least feel a bit more in control.

I know from experience that you cannot relocate to another area to correct your problems. Even if it fixes one issue, there are others that crop up. Just remember that the secret to wealth is gratitude. Think of the things the Lord has blessed you with and everything will be alright.