Saturday, June 04, 2005

Moving In

So, we are getting things settled into the apartment finally. Well, we have all of Lisa's stuff over there. Of course, just starting out we don't have too much furniture to move in. At least we have a couch, a bed, and a table with some chairs. Later today we are going to head to the mecca that is Walmart to find a cheap computer desk, entertainment center, and possibly some bookshelves.

I just got off the phone with my Aunt Lurlene in Florida. We are going to have Sunday dinner with them when we are down there in a couple weeks. She just told me that the beaches down there are still pretty torn up after the hurricanes from this last year. We will just have to see how all of that goes.

Well, it's back to repacking some of my stuff. For those of you coming to Vegas at the end of the month, I just wanted to mention that Wayne Brady is playing town that weekend and Tony Hawks Boom Boom Huck Jam is that weekend too. Just in case I don't chat with you before you get to town.

Keep it real kiddies. Don't know if i'll have time to post anything before the wedding again, but we'll see.