Thursday, February 03, 2005

Yadda Yadda

So i'm in the process of finalizing things for my real estate license. Yay! I bigger chunk of the pie. I finished just about all the updates to the company website. I just have two more pages to reprogram. I need pops to get me the content for those and it will be all set. With the new sponsorship thingy we set up with CAHF that should be bringing in lots and lots of new clients. Always a bonus.

Went out to my sisters place last night for her birthday. Her roommates were glad I came out for a visit cause they needed someone to get her out of the house for a couple hours. You know, to make all the final preparations for her surprise party. She was surprised too, it worked. So after the insanity started to wind down at about one we threw on The Grudge. Those of us that were still around had not seen it. I thought it was ok. Definitely the best flik of that genre that I saw this last year. It had a bit of that creapy feel The Ring did but not quite as good. I couldn't sleep for two days after I saw The Ring. Oh yeah, couldn't watch tv for like a week.

It's a good thing I set my own hours from day to day cause I didn't get home last night until 3.

What other random stuff can I mention. This weeks episodes of American Idol weren't quite as entertaining as the previous two. I was actually disappointed that Orlando got such a minor treatment. I wanted to see all those Disney and Universal performers get ripped.

I'm still missing my hockey. A great deal. This lock out isn't good for the sport. Well, hopefully there will be a season next year. I haven't been able to convince myself to go to a minor league game. I used to have access to two NHL teams in this town.