Saturday, January 01, 2005

Hey! It's actually a New Year

Oi vey...where did the last year go.

Well, my New Years Eve was quiet. As witnessed by the fact that I am up before noon on New Years Day. Actually I was up at 8am this morning and working. My plans kept getting shuffled around. My cousins canceled the thing they requested my help on last second. So, I stayed at home and worked on some new business ideas. I kind of took some time to formulate some of my goals for this new year. I won't recap the last year as I only do that momentarily myself to take note of where I am and where I can improve.

I have taken note of the things I want to do this year and what I need to improve for myself and am charging forward with those. As I hit those things and accomplish I will share those.

I am also working up my knowledge to get this web hosting and design company up and running with a couple of my buddies. Actually, they have the hosting company and a couple things already running. I just need to get my programming knowledge up so I can fill that nitch and jump in. Plus the marketing experience I have will really help push them up and over the envelope.

Other than that and my church responsibilities to take care of it looks to be a slow weekend.

Until the end of next week, or whenever I get bored and feel the urge to post something, keep it real kiddies.