In keeping with character and irony, it is character that matters most above anything else. Republican Presidential Candidate Herman Cain seems to be fitting into both of those recently. Keeping it short and sweet, a few weeks ago a couple of different women came out and said he sexually harassed them back in the early 1990s. That becomes a he said she said and we do believe in innocence until proven guilty. Then a couple weeks ago an Atlanta woman came out and stated they had a 13 year affair and she had some documentation to back it up. He had also been providing financial support to her. He did say he had been providing support to a friend that was in financial need. I can sort of understand that but there is the whole avoiding the appearance of evil thing. Now that it has come out that his wife did not know about this woman or the financial support that he had been giving he is dropping out of the race. That is a good decision as character does count for everything and even still going on the premise of innocent until proven guilty, the fact that his wife did not know about all this is a huge indictment of Mr. Cain's character.
So on to the irony of this whole situation which really chaps me after Herman had campaigned as a outside the establishment candidate. Which quite honestly made him very appealing. They are saying that he is going to come out today and endorse Newt Gingrich. Hello! Newt cheated on his wife. He is also the ultimate establishment candidate. So you have one alleged cheater endorsing a known cheater for President.
Does character not count for anything anymore?
In regards to presidential candidates, I firmly believe the only two with great character are Michelle Bachman and Rick Santorum. I think that Romney and Perry are probably decent guys but they lack consistency.